Solve Shows Gratitude To Lunds & Byerlys Workers As They Serve Downtown Community
Located on the corner of 12th & Hennepin in downtown Minneapolis, Solve works directly above Lunds & Byerlys grocery store. Despite Solve’s office working remotely, the building’s first floor remains abuzz with Lunds & Byerlys workers – all tirelessly devoted to ensuring their downtown community has the food it needs. As such, Solve wanted to show gratitude to its fellow tenants. Canvasing the second-floor windows of its office this week, the agency depicted heartfelt messaging thanking all of the Lunds & Byerlys staff, calling each and every one of them out by name. “Over the years, we’ve become so connected with the friendly staff at Lunds & Byerlys,” says Solve Sr. Connection Strategist Rebecca Underwood, who orchestrated the show of support. “Even though we’re all working from home right now, we wanted to remind the store’s employees that what they’re doing is so meaningful, and reinforce we’re in this together. We couldn’t think of a better way to ensure they’d feel our appreciation.”

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