Solve Demotes All Employees To Interns This Summer
“Internity” Demonstrates Agency’s Forever Learning Philosophy
Instead of hiring eager college undergrads this summer, Solve’s taking a different approach and turning its entire staff into interns. Dubbed “Internity,” the program reflects the company’s belief that learning is never done.
The Internity program features an unconventional faculty of leading minds who will serve as instructors for agency-wide educational sessions throughout the summer, beginning June 15. By design, instructors were chosen from worlds outside of marketing (including musician Adam Levy, venture capitalist Matt Otterstatter, yogi Ben Vincent, organic food pioneer Brenda Langton, and others). They’ll each offer unique, valuable, mind-broadening creative perspective.
Beyond bettering its employees, Solve’s interested in impacting the local community, as well. For each session, the agency will offer five non-employees a chance to join the intern ranks. Interested candidates can view details and apply here. Through posters and digital outreach, the agency will source Internity applicants from a variety of non-traditional places, including senior living centers, country clubs and coffee shops.
Internity is the latest example of Solve’s tradition of redefining the conventional summer intern model. Check out last year’s on-campus, pop-up “5-Minute Internship” here.
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