
11 / 18 / 14

Solve Team On Location In Dubai

New Content To Bolster Ongoing “Money Can’t Buy Ambition” Campaign For Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank

Solve recently had a team on location in Dubai shooting print, broadcast and digital content for client Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank. The new work is the latest infusion to the bank’s multinational “Money Can’t Buy Ambition” campaign launched earlier this year. The agency worked with award-winning director Michael Marantz of Los Angeles-based Persuade.

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11 / 17 / 14

Solve Team Braves Cold To Help Raise Epilepsy Awareness

Golden Gophers And Epilepsy Foundation Of Minnesota Host Third Annual Epilepsy Awareness Game

Solve recently joined client Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota at the third annual Epilepsy Awareness Day at the Minnesota vs. Ohio State Big Ten football game on Saturday, November 15. In addition to several in-game mentions and video support, members of the Solve team helped EFMN hand out 40,000 Gopher Epilepsy Awareness Rally Towels for fans to wave as they cheered on the team. The Gophers fought valiantly against Ohio State, falling by a touchdown, on the coldest day in TCF Bank Stadium history…15-degrees at kick-off.

November is national epilepsy awareness month. An estimated 60,000 Minnesotans are affected by epilepsy, including University of Minnesota head football coach, Jerry Kill. This year, Minnesota players wore an Epilepsy Awareness sticker on the back of their helmets. Kill and the rest of the Minnesota coaches proudly wore Epilepsy Foundation pins with purple ribbons.

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11 / 06 / 14

Solve Named To U.S. Fastest Growing Independents List

2014 Industry Recognition Continues For 3-Year Old Solve

Solve has been named one of 2014’s 15 fastest-growing independent agencies in the U.S. by The Agency Post. An industry blog devoted to thought leadership, The Agency Post is known for “The Agency 100,” its annual ranking of the fastest-growing advertising and marketing agencies in the U.S.

Notable agencies recognized last year included Butler Shine Stern & Partners, Venables Bell & Partners, and Huge. Jami Oetting, editor of The Agency Post and author of Get To Know The 15 Fastest-Growing Independent Agencies In The U.S., attributes strong growth to “fortitude, strong relationships, great work and strategic ideas.” The recognition follows PSFK naming Solve to its list of Top 15 Most Effective Independent Agencies in the U.S. earlier this year.

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10 / 28 / 14

National Consumer Survey Finds 40% Refuse To Believe True Statements If Made By Member Of Opposing Political Party

Solve Research Study Explores Relationship Between Party Affiliation And Party Bias

In anticipation of a frenzied election season, Solve published the results of its recent Self-Made Minds consumer study at Among its key findings, 40% of people reported disbelief of factually true statements if they were made by someone in the opposing party. Conversely, people were 32% more likely to believe a true statement if it originated from their side of the aisle.

To conduct the research, survey respondents were asked whether they believed factually true statements such as “the First Amendment doesn’t cover all speech” and “the president doesn’t oversee the judicial branch.” Half of the respondents were told that these statements were made by Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. The other half were told that the statements were attributed to Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. Afterwards, respondents were asked which political party they identified with.

“Like others, we’ve noticed how polarized politics has adversely impacted our culture,” said Solve Digital Strategist Neil James. “While we found the insight into consumer psychology fascinating, our real hope with Self-Made Minds was that we could effect positive societal change by raising awareness of how polarization truly colors our worldviews.”

In addition to exploring the study, visitors to are encouraged to demonstrate their commitment to independent, critical thinking. Users can change their social media profile photos, sign up for election-themed e-mail alerts and share survey findings with their friends and family.

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10 / 22 / 14

True Value Announces Aggressive Future Plans

Solve team members recently returned from Denver having attended client True Value’s retailer convention. True Value’s senior leadership used the bi-annual gathering to unveil their highly anticipated strategic plan in development for much of this past year. The presentation outlined an aggressive vision for growth over the next five years. Major initiatives span store upgrades, investments in technology and a revamped national advertising plan.

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