Founders Brewing Exceeds Growth Projections For 2017
Annual Volume Up 34%, Growth Rate 8X That Of Craft Segment For Solve Client Founders
Propelled by the continued growth of session ale All Day IPA, Founders Brewing reported this week that it would produce 468,000 barrels in 2017, up from 348,000 last year. Originally forecasting 450,000 barrels for the year, Founders is now the 9th largest brewery in the U.S. Sales of All Day IPA were up 37%, while sales of Founders seasonal offerings – Azacca IPA, Mosaic Promise and PC Pils – were up a combined 82% in 2017. The momentum will continue into next year as the brand, now distributed in 46 states, will open Colorado in early 2018 and launch a new year-round lager called Solid Gold.
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